hintcatcher Knowledgebase

Upgrade your hintcatcher plan

How to upgrade your hintcatcher plan to unlock additional features of the higher plans

In the hintcatcher price overview you will find an overview of the hintcatcher functions and plans.

Should you wish to use features in your hintcatcher system that are included in a higher hintcatcher plan, you can unlock these features by upgrading your system to a higher hintcatcher plan.

Upgrading the plan of your hintcatcher system is possible at any time and does not require a new setup of your system. After the upgrade, the features of the new plan are immediately available in your existing system for you to use.

The updated subscription fees will automatically be charged to your existing payment method as usual after an upgrade.

Upgrade your hintcatcher plan

We are happy to upgrade your hintcatcher plan for you. Please let us know your upgrade request, stating your desired hintcatcher plan under contact@hintcatcher.com.

We’ll be happy to upgrade your hintcatcher plan for you and let you know as soon as your hintcatcher system’s plan has been updated.

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